fresh start

We Walk a Bridge to the Future

Walking one of my favorite paths recently, I came to this modest bridge over a small stream.

It occurred to me that if I went across it, I would arrive in the future—say, a minute later. But carrying it one step farther, when you think about it, the whole rest of my life was waiting for me on the other side of that bridge.

(They say exercise and nature both boost creativity. Creativity—isn’t that a polite word for the thoughts and connections spinning in my head?)

When I woke up the next morning, the idea was still with me, and still growing. The whole rest of my life was waiting for me when I threw the covers off and got out of bed. The whole rest of my life was waiting for me when I walked out the door to begin the new day.

We strive to make the most of the moments as they come. And we treasure the lessons and memories we’ve accumulated. Life is partly a question of balancing the present moment—and the past—with the possibilities of the future.

The future is where things may be different and better; it is still malleable in a way the past is not.

Likewise, our work with you reflects these elements of time. We try to understand the past: where you are coming from. And the present: your current situation. And the future: what you are aiming for.

Balance among these things is vital. Thinking about the future, we may make tomorrow’s moments better. Understanding the past, we get a sense of the narrative and continuity of our lives. But the present moment is where we live, where we have the chance to find happiness.

Clients, if you are ready to improve our understanding of your past, or present, or future, please email us or call.

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If You Lived Here, You’d Be Home Right Now

photo shows a mountainous horizon and a sign reading "now" and "past" and "future"

Maybe you’ve seen a billboard that goes like this: “If you lived here, you’d be home right now.” I’ve seen them on many road trips, as advertising for local municipalities, tourism boards, rental agencies, and real estate agents.

These signs call out to us, trying to get us to leave the commute, the trip, and the journey behind—to be here, now.

It’s not a bad message, is it?

I’m not suggesting anybody pack and move the next time they see one of these signs, but in our financial lives, we sometimes get stuck in the past. And the costs add up. The past can crowd out the present in many ways. Maybe some of these phrases have shown up in your thinking?

“I should’ve…”

“I would’ve…”

“I could’ve…”

Some folks get stuck on past missteps; others regret not getting their own plan going sooner. Acknowledging our journey to this point is important, but unless it brings us up to the present moment, we’re facing the wrong way for the journey ahead.

Letting the past live rent-free in our thoughts means we spend less time living here, now. “You could be home right now.” The secret? Embracing this present moment.

Clients, want to talk about where you are and where you’re headed? Write or call.

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If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Right Now Presents: The Best of Leibman Financial Services

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