
Is Your Relationship in Trouble?

photo shows a stack of thin magazines on a white table

Friends, it’s been a good many years since any lifestyle magazines could be found in my home. Remember magazines? Glossies?

I was reminded of them recently.

Marketing for financial services is regulated in various ways. Bodies like the SEC work toward protecting investors. Still—advertising for financial advisors sometimes twists the ideas in our minds the way the glossies did and do.

Magazine covers ask the questions that beg the question.

  • Is your relationship in trouble? (“Oh, what if it is? I better take a peek inside…”)
  • Looking to fix your problems fast? (“Well, I suppose there are things I could work on…”)
  • Need help finding expert tips? (“Can’t say no to that…”)

There are assumptions and judgments packed into such questions. They suggest that you have problems, you must address them quickly, and you require assistance from the preapproved authorities. But it’s not only beauty and fashion pros who ask these questions.

I hear the same thing in ads for financial services.

Most folks don’t need any pressure added to their financial relationships. Life’s big changes and hardships bring enough challenge, don’t they?

On the contrary—what a wonderful phrase!—we prefer to share the load. We like taking these journeys with you. We enjoy connecting you to resources you want and not the ones we “prescribe” or insist upon. Partners in the process is what we strive to be.

Clients, we’ll help acquaint you with reality as we see fit, but it will be just one version of things. And you have to live in your reality of things. We’re grateful to be part of it.

Let’s chat, anytime.

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